Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Wow! My very own blog! What shall I do with myself?


I feel kind of like Conan O'Brien ... not really sure how I got here and pretty certain that I don't belong here. Okay, that's just me channeling Conan's inner self ... or what his inner self ought to be saying to ... himself. Hmmmm, where do I come up with this stuff?

Anyway (a word you will hear me say over and over again if you follow this blog because I'm always going off on some kind of tangent - just ask Julie), I decided to create my own blog because I find myself involved in so many conversations, both in person and on Facebook, which really, in my opinion, needed some form of permanent documentation because they are indispensable to human existence and intellectual progress. Just kidding. I just find them interesting and sometimes even amusing.

Really (another word I say often), I just wanted to create a place where I can converse with folks about "stuff." I'll post whatever thoughts run through my head (news of the day, inspirations, rants, random thoughts, delusions, etc.); and, the reason I'll do this is simply to start a conversation with whomever is bored enough to listen. Feel free to post the same kinds of things yourself. Since we're all busy each day "doing our own thing," maybe in this way we can "keep in touch."

In such conversations, it's only decent to refrain from any personal attacks. I will freely disagree with someone on issues; but, I'll not "cast the first stone." Remember, once you resort to personal attacks, you've already lost the argument. I also hope that nobody will use any offensive language. Our children will (hopefully) see this blog from time to time. If you can't express yourself clearly without the aid of profanity ... please consult a dictionary or thesaurus and re-engage once you're properly "armed."

I guess I use quotation marks a lot, don't I? Maybe that's my chosen method of verbal emphasis? Oh well.

Anyway (see - I told you I say that all the time), I often crack myself up, literally. If you can't tell the difference between my earnest attempts at sincerity and my childish attempts at humor, please ask for clarification before lambasting me (oohhh - another big word). God invented laughter, and it has its place in our world.

So, I guess I should get back to work now. I hope you'll choose to follow this blog (whatever that means ... I'm not blog-savvy); and, I look forward to every conversation. Let the colloquy begin!



  1. Well Gerry, you done gone an did it now.

  2. It was only a matter of time, Dave. Let the games begin!

  3. I'm anxiously anticipating some lively discussions.

  4. Ahh the essence of Gerry now live on the internet! Watch out, the internet has a great memory. One helpful tip - paragraph breaks - it is easy on the eyes when reading an epic post :)

